Population problem in bangladesh composition for class 7,8,9,10

Dear reader if you are searching the population problem in Bangladesh composition then you don't need to worry.because here you will get the composition of population problem in Bangladesh. For knowing population problem inBangladesh keep reading this article.

population problem in bangladesh composition

Let's begin the composition of population problem in Bangladesh I hope you will like it.

 Population problem.

Bangladesh is a small country of 148,460 square kilometres. but it has burden with a huge population.It has a population over 180 million people.  According to the source, there are 2,000 people live in a square kilometre in Bangladesh. Every year  more than 3 million people are being added to our population that increase our population problem frequently.The population is an asset of a country.  but it becomes a problem when the country cannot afford their people the basic necessaries life like food, cloth, education medicine and shelter.In now Bangladesh circumstances, it is quite impossible to provide all the  necessaries to the people.

There are many reason behind  behind this Rapid growth of population. the main reason is illiteracy and religious Superstition. Early marriage polygamy and lacking of knowledge are also responsible for this high growth over population.The population of our country is increasing at an alarming.

The ffect of overpopulation is the very dangerous for our nature. crowds are found every hour in the buses train Bazar school colleges.  due to lack of shelter many people sleep under the opened Sky under large tree and address station.  the rate of unemployment is increasing every year as a dangerous alarming like threate for our economy. Unemployment is a biggest problem for our generation and It Breaks our social law.

Population problem in bangladesh composition for class 7,8,9,10

The dangerous effect of population problem it harms our agriculture system because  increasing of population people cannot provide the sustaincy of food production. As a result here we can see the shortest of food in our country.However the population problem create too much pressure for the all sector of a economy and country.

The population problem is a great threate For Bangladesh. But this problem can be solved if the government and their people and determined to control the birth rate and grow more food and the same time.At the same time population problem can't be solved if major should be taken to remove a little Si from society early marriage should not be eligible.

Therefore if we want to remove the population problem in Bangladesh for this all the people in every sector of Bangladesh and government should join to handle this crisis Before it is too late.We failed to do it our progress and development as the nation will be greatly hamperd and we will lack behind in every field in life.

Conclusion: population problem in bangladesh composition

Population problem is a great disaster for our economy and the people who lives in Bangladesh. as a student we should have the knowledge That how it can be removed and for this we have to gain knowledge and it should be spread to the illiterate people.So that we can remove the darkness of literacy.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

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এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

স্বাগতম বিডিরনীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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